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HomeGame Developmentpython - How can I change checkers pieces to move only horizontally...

python – How can I change checkers pieces to move only horizontally and vertically?

I am a beginner level programmer trying to learn Python. I could not figure out how to change the values so I can restrict the pieces of checkers from moving diagonally. I want them to be able to move only horizontally and vertically.

My code is given and I think the problem is inside the _move_left where there are moves.update, but I have no idea how to fix it. I am watching a video about creating it but the guy didn’t explain that well how the functions work (he is making pieces move diagonally).

def get_valid_moves(self, piece):
    moves = {}
    left = piece.col - 1
    right = piece.col + 1
    up = piece.row - 1
    down = piece.row + 1
    row = piece.row
    col = piece.col

    if piece.color == BLACK or piece.king:
        moves.update(self._move_left(row, max(row - 3, 1), -1, piece.color, left))
        moves.update(self._move_right(row, max(row - 3, 1), -1, piece.color, right))
        moves.update(self._move_up(col, max(col - 3, 1), -1, piece.color, up))

    if piece.color == BEIGE or piece.king:
        moves.update(self._move_left(row, min(row + 3, ROWS), 1, piece.color, left))
        moves.update(self._move_right(row, min(row + 3, ROWS), 1, piece.color, right))
        moves.update(self._move_down(col, min(col + 3, COLS), 1, piece.color, down))

    return moves

def _move_left(self, start, stop, step, color, left, skipped=[]):
    moves = {}
    last = []
    for r in range(start, stop, step):
        if left < 0:

        current = self.board[r][left]
        if current == 0:
            if skipped and not last:
            elif skipped:
                moves[(r, left)] = last + skipped
                moves[(r, left)] = last

            if last:
                if step == -1:
                    row = max(r - 3, 0)
                    row = min(r + 3, ROWS)
                moves.update(self._move_left(r + step, row, step, color, left - 1, skipped=last))
                moves.update(self._move_right(r + step, row, step, color, left + 1, skipped=last))
        elif current.color == color:
            last = [current]

        left -= 1
    return moves



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